27 Mar Stress Free SSIP

Kevin Hesom of BCF Gas Services had been working for his local council as a gas engineer for 20 years when suddenly he was told he would require accreditation from two separate SSIPs (safety systems in procurement). Failure to achieve accreditation would result in Kevin being unable to tender work as a gas engineer.
Unsure what to do, a little panicked, Kevin rang Sphere for advice. We were able to offer guidance on protocol but it remained an uncertain time for Kevin. He was overwhelmed with the amount of time and effort he would need to dedicate to the SSIPs. Just over a week later Kevin got in touch with us again and relayed his anxieties. At this stage, we became fully involved in the process, filling out all necessary paperwork and putting together the required documentation for Kevin. We also provided Kevin with guidance on exactly which training courses he would require in order to achieve accreditation. When Kevin was ready for his assessment we chased the assessors to fast track his assessment. Kevin passed with flying colours. The stress free, seamless process took just 7 weeks to complete two different SSIPs from start to finish. During this time Kevin was able to concentrate fully on his day to day operations rather than stretching his resources working towards his SSIPs.
Do you need support gaining an accreditation? Contact us today to find out how we can help you.