27 Jul Fire Safety this Summer

It’s summer time and we all love to be outdoors. Whether you are spending time with friends at a BBQ or rocking out at a festival the summer months can be a wonderful time. However, we often forget about the fire safety issues associated with this time of the year.
It is important to remember that fire safety doesn’t stop when you leave the home or office. Last year over 50,000 fires occurred in refuse and rubbish containers and across England alone, 27000 fires were started on grass, heathland and moorland.
Whether it’s tents catching on fire or Barbecue grills flaring up, prevention is the best cure. To ensure you have the most enjoyable and safe time this summer see below some common-sense preparation that can help.
- It is important to remember that required fires should be started in a safe and designated area. Never start one in an open area or near woodland.
- Don’t leave bottles or glass in woodlands. Sunlight shining through the bottle can start a fire. Take them home or place in nearest bin!
- Do not throw cigarettes from your vehicle as the grass could catch fire and ruin the surrounding countryside.
- If you see a fire in the countryside, report it immediately and never try and tackle it yourself. Let the professionals deal with it accordingly.
- Always keep a bucket of water or sand nearby for emergencies.
- When lighting the barbecue use only recognised lighter fluids – never use petrol!
- You may have a small garden but you must always keep a barbecue away from sheds and fences when it is in use.
- Never leave a lit barbecue unattended – especially if there are children in attendance.
- Use enough charcoal to cover the base of the barbecue but never more.
- Once you finish cooking on the barbecue allow some time for the ash to cool down and do not empty it into wheelie bins as plastic melts.
- As nightfall sets in you must never use candles near a tent – torches are always the safer option.
- Do not cook amongst long grass as this is highly flammable and never cook within a tent.
- Keep all cooking appliances away from the tent as the walls can easily set alight.
- It’s best practice to inform family and friends of the procedure if your clothes catch fire – stop, drop and roll!
By keeping the tips above in mind, you will be able to enjoy your summer time outdoors safely. If you require any fire safety training or support for your business our team has it covered. Check out http://sphererhsm.co.uk/services/fire-safety for more information.